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Thank You Beloved Viewers

From My Heart to Your Homes, Thank You So Much. When you chose me as Rhode Island Monthly’s Best Female TV Reporter last year in 2017, I called my parents immediately after seeing the envelope to share the news. I confess: Happy tears were involved.

Thank you, Anthony Bourdain

I woke up to headlines Anthony Bourdain committed suicide, and while on assignment in France. Though he’s sometimes countries and seemingly worlds away from those watching TV, the sudden death hits too close to home.

Remembering Kate Spade

Journals designed by fashion icon Kate Spade are my favorite. But my recommendation here makes me feel emotional, sad. I’ve written in Kate Spade journals for years on end since the fourth grade. The stacks of my different journals could fill entire bookshelves.

Why I Went

“There are years that ask questions and years that answer.”-  Zora Neale Hurston 2017 gave few answers. My aunt died after a sudden, unexpected stroke. News I couldn’t bear. [tweetshare tweet=”I have never felt so abandoned by God.” username=”myadventuresnow”]

Just Jump

If you quiet your mind’s chatter, you’ll hear your soulful self whisper, a lot. Sometimes with busy schedules and background noise, we don’t hear our selves. But listen and you’ll get all the answers and all the guidance you need.

Meet Young Crystal

Meet Crystal: Starry-eyed adventurer, quirky and fearless This is classic 3-year-old Crystal: jean overalls, yellow construction hard-hat, and what I imagine not pictured in the photo were some nice light-changing, glitter tennis shoes. Then, there’s that obligatory bright pink t-shirt with yellow flowers. I’m sure I insisted on the outfit, not worried about standing out. And I’m sure...