It’s me, Crystal

Hearing my fingers click across this keyboard just sounds so good.

It’s been awhile, hasn’t it? And for good reason.

July shifted everything.

A dozen phone calls, two interviews, and six train rides to New York City, before I could even pinch myself, I’m quietly walking from room to room in my Rhode Island apartment, giving it one last look.

I sat down on the rough carpet of my Rhode Island home. The closets are empty, the art, taken down, and the lights shut off.

I cried. I prayed. And I thought about my aunt.

I said thank you to this roof, the windows, these walls, looking at every crack and corner inside this apartment which kept so many secrets and memories in one place. It wasn’t the easiest two years in Rhode Island, but it was precious. And still is.

I gave my final thanks, and then I said my goodbyes.

Doesn’t everything die at last, and too soon? Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?

—Mary Oliver

So if you haven’t heard the news, this one wild and precious life took me to New York City.

Almost two months into my new apartment, I’m relishing the Big Apple, roaming through the concrete jungle, and day-dreaming in a city that never sleeps. And P.S. I’m reporting at CBS News – New York.

Before I resume writing about all the adventures I’ve had here in the city and yet to still have, I’d like to close out with some of my favorite photos from my time living and reporting in Rhode Island.

You can click through them in the gallery at the top of this post. I hope the people, places, photos of the moments make you smile as much as it did when I lived in Rhode Island.

But now, this is more than a new chapter of adventures for me. It’s a new book.

The adventure continues,

Crystal is an award-winning reporter, and former middle school English teacher. Away from the camera, she loves exploring new adventures including traveling and trying new food!

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