Remembering Kate Spade

Journals designed by fashion icon Kate Spade are my favorite. But my recommendation here makes me feel emotional, sad.

I’ve written in Kate Spade journals for years on end since the fourth grade. The stacks of my different journals could fill entire bookshelves.

I journal to remember my lessons, dreams, and hopes. I journal to remember bad moments I’ve survived and good moments I’ve been blessed to experience. My journals soak up laughter and, sometimes, tears.

The pages I write most nights hold memories of the day, sometimes the physical act of writing pen to paper helps me to collect my thoughts and work through question or frustrations.

But no matter what the memories hold inside my journals, I hope to share them with my own children someday.

I’ve bought and carried both Kate Spade journals in purses and luggage bags, for years. They’ve been everywhere — they’ve held personal and intimate stories from different states I’ve lived and different countries I’ve traveled.

When news broke Kate Spade committed suicide, my heart broke. But on the surface, every colorful design created by her matched people’s experience of Kate Spade’s personality.

This post is mostly to thank the woman who’s created so many things I’ve held closely. The journals and the work purses are all part of my daily life.

The designs, simple yet striking. And her journals are packed with quality paper and depths of pages, the lines not too spaced out so I could fully describe the day in an honest way.

I recommend if you travel, pick up a Kate Spade journal.

I’ve bought many of them over the years, and there’s something even more touching, heartbreaking, real and intimate about them now.

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Crystal is an award-winning reporter, and former middle school English teacher. Away from the camera, she loves exploring new adventures including traveling and trying new food!

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