A big thank you to Cocofloss who sent me samples to try, which I tested for a month as part of this featured, sponsored post. All the opinions expressed are my own. The promo discount code below comes at no cost to you, and I do not receive any commission on your purchases.
Use Promo discount code: ADVENTURES to get 15% off for new customers when you shop.

I’m convinced while traveling, it takes a friendly smile to make friends along the way. Especially when you’re traveling by yourself.
I wrote an entire post on tips for talking with strangers, and while I know many women are tired of being told to smile, a welcoming attitude is what helps solo travels feel less… solo.
So, how to get that warm, inviting smile (in safe situations) no matter where you are in the world without lugging a giant kit wherever you go? There’s an easy and convenient way, and this is where Cocofloss comes in.
Let me admit something before we start that makes my dentist and orthodontist cringe: I don’t floss, regularly. I go on random flossing binges, and then I avoid it for months. I suspect I’m not the only one harboring that secret.
I just don’t want to do it.
Flossing (before Cocofloss) is usually not a pleasant experience for me. The wax thread rubbing between my teeth and against my gums is
Enter the game changer:
Cocofloss: a coconut-oil infused natural dental floss
It comes in artisanal “flavors” like mint, coconut, strawberries, orange.

Cocofloss put to the ultimate test
DAY 1: The first impression
When my kit arrived, I was excited to try it, and had somewhat of a “flossing party.” By this, I just mean I asked a lot of my friends and housemates to test it
I surveyed everyone with the same question before we began, “Do you floss?”
Every answer was literally, “No, but I should.”
“It tastes good,” and, “It smells good,” were the phrases I heard from everyone.
You don’t hear that often about floss!
The coconut oil and the woven structure of the floss are what makes this product different. It’s a soft filament that’s lightly waxed and durable enough not to shred or tear even with the most aggressive flossing. And Cocofloss has a unique, subtle gripping feel to the thread.
I definitely agreed on the smell and taste. The first few times, my teeth were still adjusting to flossing regularly. Surprisingly, flossing it grew on me.
DAY 7:
Flossing became more appealing the more I used Cocofloss. Meaning, it hurt less, wasn’t a nuisance, and I began flossing with ease.
There was one morning where I flossed and something must have distracted me, because I left the bathroom and went about my day, forgetting to brush my teeth for a few hours.
I get that’s kind of a gross oversight, but my point is: my teeth felt so clean, for a little bit, I didn’t realize I hadn’t used my electric toothbrush.
Do I recommend only using floss and skipping the tooth paste? Definitely not.
But in a pinch, it seemed the floss was a fairly good substitute, and easy to pop in my purse for my travels or even for a date. Everyone is a little paranoid about getting food stuck in their teeth when around other people, so here was the easy fix.
Cocofloss helped me feel fresh enough, and it kept me clean enough until I brushed my teeth thoroughly.
DAY 14: Halfway there
This part happened without me doing it on purpose.
I realized for the last few days, after eating lunch, I’d get up to go floss. Not because I was telling myself to floss simply for this post, but it was because my mouth didn’t feel clean after eating until I was able to run the floss through my teeth and make sure it was pristine.
That’s an amazing development because I’ve avoided flossing pretty much always, and now I was doing it three or four times a day voluntarily (after eating) and not even complaining!
You know that clean feeling you get after leaving the dentist as if your mouth has been totally cleared out? The combination of Cocofloss and my electric toothbrush gets me close to that pristine
I noticed at night, even if I brushed my teeth first, I didn’t do the usual, “Oh well, I guess I already finished brushing my teeth, so I’ll do that flossing thing in the morning.”
Instead, I actually still flossed after brushing my teeth and began taking that clean feeling even as an extra step.
Their Secret:
The floss company is developed by a dynamic sister-team: Chrystle (great name) and Cat Cu, a dentist-artist sduo from San Francisco.
Cocofloss explains, their floss tackles plaque intensely, and since it’s “woven with hundreds of grime-grabbing fibers, Cocofloss erases that sour, stinky plaque to leave your smile fresher than ever.”
And those claims feel true. I’m startled by how much it removed between my teeth. That is SO gross. And yet, so great.
A month later:
Yes, standard floss is cheaper, but I don’t see myself going back to typical drugstore floss, especially after using Cocofloss. These opinions, still my own.
Cocofloss takes clean to a whole new level, and it’s impressive if you google other customer reviews, they generally average a 4 to 5-star rating, and that’s from hundreds of people who are now converted flossers. Who knew.
I never thought I’d say flossing feels like a luxurious experience, but here it is. My teeth feel cleaner, that the day doesn’t quite feel right if I don’t use Cocofloss and keep that smile bright and healthy. I don’t think I’ll go back to my non-flossing ways.
The bonus: you can keep your smile healthy wherever you go and wherever you are in the world! Cocofloss is the easiest to throw into a purse, pack onto a carry-on.
The Price:
There’s different prices depending on how much Cocofloss you buy, but here are a few cost breakdowns.
- On the Cocofloss website, single pack is $8 for 32 yards. I usually use between 10 – 12 inches of floss, which brings it to about $0.08 cents per use. Your typical drugstore floss will go for about $0.01 – $0.03 per use, but honestly, the added nickel for me is worth the results.
- A pack of three: $22 for a total of 96 yards. Some quick math: that’s about $0.07 per use.
Savings for You:
Use Promo discount code: ADVENTURES for 15% off to new customers when you shop.