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Costa Rica – Day 6

Okay, back to where we were in Costa Rica. We’re inching closer to the end of my solo travel adventures. I sift through my journal as I’m writing this post and I can still read how happy I am and how much I’m dreading getting back to the familiar. Odd right? Who knew I’d grow to love something...

Costa Rica – Day 4

I am so happy, counting blessings this morning. Today’s Blessing Cards pull from the box: Love and Happiness. It’s Perfection. This stretch of my travels includes the Guanacaste area along the Pacific Coast. It’s the area that’s a bit warmer in Costa Rica, especially in March and the beginning of April, before the rainy season starts.

Costa Rica – Day 1

“A good traveler has no fixed plans, and is not intent on arriving.” -Lao Tzu It’s Wednesday in April; I land in Costa Rica, I look out my window and exhale knowing after months of nervousness and planning, I’m really here. With no deadlines and really no place to be, I’m freaking out — it’s a mix of...

Why I Went

“There are years that ask questions and years that answer.”-  Zora Neale Hurston 2017 gave few answers. My aunt died after a sudden, unexpected stroke. News I couldn’t bear. [tweetshare tweet=”I have never felt so abandoned by God.” username=”myadventuresnow”]

Just Jump

If you quiet your mind’s chatter, you’ll hear your soulful self whisper, a lot. Sometimes with busy schedules and background noise, we don’t hear our selves. But listen and you’ll get all the answers and all the guidance you need.

Meet Young Crystal

Meet Crystal: Starry-eyed adventurer, quirky and fearless This is classic 3-year-old Crystal: jean overalls, yellow construction hard-hat, and what I imagine not pictured in the photo were some nice light-changing, glitter tennis shoes. Then, there’s that obligatory bright pink t-shirt with yellow flowers. I’m sure I insisted on the outfit, not worried about standing out. And I’m sure...